An industry with an innovative spirit in full growth.

Yller is a dental materials industry created in 2012 by the dentists Aline and Fabrício Ogliari.

Despite being a young company, it has significant recognition, due to the expertise of the founding partners in the area of materials development. Yller invests significantly in research, development and innovation, a driving factor for the company, and the main reason for the differentiation of its products. Because of this, Yller is able to expand its markets, around the world.


People and their ideas are our greatest asset.


We are daily committed to excellence in developing the best products for the market.


Ethics and valuing the human being are the bases of our philosophy.

Quality policy

To become a reference in the manufacturing and commercialization of materials for odontology, meeting the applicable and regulatory requirements, continuously improving the quality system with processes of excellence that ensure customer satisfaction.


Yller 2030 Vision: We will be one of the top five dental material companies in the world and the preferred choice of dentists.


Act in an innovative and sustainable way, contributing to the development of odontology, providing products and services that exceed our clients’ expectations.

areas of operation

The company has a broad portfolio of products, with a high added value and a high level of technological development. All products and several raw materials are developed, synthesized and produced within the company’s facilities, respecting the highest quality standards.